

The ResHealth system is a miniature, non-intrusive, multi-parameter respiratory breathing activity monitor that uses minimally invasive fluorescence lifetime fiber-optic sensors for the real time measurement of oxygen, carbon dioxide, moisture, and toxic chemical gases, with built-in all optical temperature and pressure sensing compensation. The ResHealth system is lightweight, compact, battery-powered, and includes wireless communication suitable for the remote alarm warning of respiratory disorder applications such as point-of-care sleep apnea occurrences in infants, children, and adults. It is also suitable for other respiratory monitoring applications for military and government personnel such as pilots, divers, and astronauts.

See ResHealth Products Brochure
Performance Specifications
Range5 – 25%0.01 – 10%0 – 100%0 – 120% °F0.1 – 1.2 atm
Response Time< 0.1 second< 0.1 second< 0.1 second< 0.1 second< 0.1 second
Accuracy+/- 0.1%+/- 0.1%+/- 0.1%+/- 0.1%+/- 0.1%
Sensitivity0.10%0.01%0.10%0.1 °F0.1 atm
Selectivity0% – 100% RH0% – 100% RH0% – 100% O2N/AN/A
Temperature<0.01% / °F<0.01% / °F<0.01% / °F<0.01% / °F<0.01% / atm
Drift<0.01% / day<0.01% / day<0.01% / day<0.01% / day<0.01% / day
False Alarms<<1%<<1%<<1%<<1%<<1%
Model No.M500
Monitoring ModeFrequency Vs. Time
Fluorescence Lifetime Range140 μsec – 100 nsec
Modulation Frequency Range20 kHz to 200 kHz
Modulation Frequency Resolution0.1 kHz
Excitation Source TypeLED or LD
Excitation Source Wavelength250-nm to 850-nm
Emission Wavelength SelectionOptical Filter
Remote SensingFiber Bundle
Fiber Optic ConnectorMultimode – SMA
Data DisplayLabView Graphical Interface
Data CommunicationRS – 232 / USB
Power Supply12V / 500 mA
*Engineering specifications subject to change without prior notice